Programme notes
A love song inspired by a video installation by Bruce Nauman where the viewer sees himself walking out of a corridor as he walks into it.
Written for the second Analecta CD, Body O’ Graphic.
I want to walk sideways down your corridor
I’m taking some pictures but I don’t know what for
I want to move forward but I see myself receding
I’m looking for an out but I love the repeating
Drilled a hole into the heart of your corridor
stuck this microphone in and I turned it up
’til I couldn’t turn it up no more
Was I hoping to hear you whisper in my ear
“Grab your clothes, baby, why don’t you move in here?”
She says,
“I’m an alleyway, honey, thirty-six inches wide
just enough room for you and me inside
my sight is closed-circuit
and my brain’s on the blink
but you can kiss me on my wide screen, honey
hold me like you mean it, honey
let’s get our lips in sync.”
Well, I may of been kinda tongue-tied
but I never got tired of you
I walked your glowing passage ’til your shiny floor fell through
when your camera, once so steady, landed heavy on my head
First thing that I thought of was something that Marcel said
things, once measured, tend to measure you
choose your ruler wisely but toss it when you’re through
My body’s pressed up against your big two walls
My mind’s squeezed out and my motor mouth stalls
cornered and confused, I got holes in my shoes
I got no sign that you know that I’m here
I got my mike turned up but no news from Buttercup
I need your signal to be loud and clear
Can’t you say (cho)
you’re a lover with no memory
I need a hiding place but your structure’s exposed
you read my movements but you don’t read my mind
your sign says open but your kitchen is closed
each pass, each passing day
something you miss just passes away
each pass, each passing remark
lights a little corner where it used to be dark
each pass, where passing time dwells
should I try to pass for someone else?
every ten steps, every ten frames
if the camera isn’t loaded, it don’t matter where it aims
My body’s pressed up against your big two walls
My mind’s squeezed out and my motor mouth stallscornered and confused, I got holes in my shoes
I got no sign that you know that I’m here
I got my mike turned up but no news from Buttercup
I need your signal to be loud and clear
© 1993 Saprophone Music, Amsterdam