Het Paradijs
Nederlands Blazers Ensemble
Release date : 01/01/2007
Nederlands Blazers Ensemble
1. Tango Apasionado
2. Juju Heart
3. Doina & Galop
4. Ons Paradijs
5. Android by the Dashboid Loid
6. Paradijs
7. Valse clog
8. A taste of paradiso
9. Jupiter
10. The greatest bitch of the Earth
11. Pastorale in c
12. Wosenku (ik heb besloten)
13. Hor che ‘l Ciel e la Terra
14. It’s in the Kiss (The Shoop Shoop Song)
15. Koerdisch/Irakees volksliedje
16. In mijn Paradijs
17. Horses of Instruction
18. Chiquilin de Bachin
19. Also sprach Zarathustra
20. That’s all right mama
21. Tango Apasionado
22. Balloons