Susie, tell me a Story!

Susie, tell me a Story!

Susanna Borsch

Release date : 24/11/2015



Susanna Borsch (recorders, misc. small wind instruments and bells, voice)
David Dramm (voice)


1. David Dramm – I woke up blind (08:20)

Felipe Waller – Paramythical Encounter:
2. I. Invisible Blindness Unseen (01:08)
3. II. Gnostic, Prophetic, Barbaric (01:46)
4. III. Visionary Encounter with the Double Bodied (01:26)

5. David Dramm – ‘Did I mention that this is a story?’ I (00:53)

6. Oscar Bettison – Bird Forms on a Neutral Background (06:33)

Felipe Waller – Paramythical Encounter:
7. IV. Vivid Reflections of the Mirroring Mind (01:58)
8. V. The Swinging Chair Premonition (01:32)

9. David Dramm – ‘Did I mention that this is a story?’ II (00:41)

10. Kate Moore – House of Shards and Shadows (11:18)

11. Michiel Mensingh – All Work and No Play makes Mike a Dull Boy (04:22)

12. David Dramm – ‘I read a poem once.’ (00:26)

13. Guus Janssen – Rocking Chair (05:57)

14. David Dramm – ‘What’s he grumbling about?’ (00:15)

15. Akiko Ushijima – Instan’stillation (09:32)

Felipe Waller – Paramythical Encounter:
16. VI. Scintillating, then Earily Melting (01:57)
17. VII. Mantric, Archaic, Prosaic (03:52)